Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random bits of August.

Packing. I hate packing. What I hate more? Unpacking. But only when there isn't enough room for the things that come out of the boxes. It isn't because we don't have the space in the house. We do. But I don't have the storage space necessary. Like, I have this bookshelf in our office. The shelves? No freaking clue where they are. Which means I can't quite unpack the room like I want. I also need more storage stuff for the closet for all of my scrapbooking stuff. Which I have recently discovered that I have a TON of. Anyway, so I started organizing my office (#80). It is a daunting task. I've made little progress, but one day we'll have a fully organized office. That will be wonderful.

This is what I started with. (and in all fairness, this is after I had pulled some boxes apart trying to unpack them. So that's why it's so messy....)

And, today, this is where I am. After I cleaned out the guest room for our unexpected guests this weekend. It looked better before I piled more crap in there. But, in my defense, I have like 10 boxes of pictures. Mostly in frames that as soon as I get my shelves hung those boxes will be empty.

I tried to get a good picture of the closet, but that was hard so you'll survive without one. And I won't even show you Steve's side. He started unpacking. Well, looking for something which led to unpacking. And by unpacking I mean taking things out of boxes and placing them strategically on his desk. And by strategically I mean wherever the hell he found some space. I can't start complaining until I'm fully unpacked and there isn't just crap laying around my desk. BUT Steve did throw away a lot of stuff. Because when he packed? He totally just threw crap in a box and when he unpacked he realized he had actually packed trash. (back off ladies, he's mine. alllll mine...hahaha).

Anyway, so that's our office. I was going to try to tackle it a little better this weekend, but that so did not happen. Oh well, there's always next weekend.

As far as other things in August I never got around to writing about. I updated my resume (#93) with my new address and my new title. I'm not looking for a new job or anything, but I figured I might as well have something that's completely updated.

I finally sent my brother the post-card I picked up in South Carolina. I had somehow misplaced it in the office, but when I was going through stuff I found it so I jotted some stuff down and sent it off (#7 - write George). I need to write him a real letter here soon because he's in his 3rd place in 6 months and it's kind of wearing on him. Plus, he hasn't been happy with his facility since he left his first place. I also need to get my butt down there and visit him. My parents went this weekend, but only got about 1 1/2 hours. SUCKS. It's a 4 hour-one way-trip for only about an hour. The guards said my parents were luck to get an extra 1/2 hour. Definitely a change from the normal 3-4 hour visits we're used to.

I also backed up my pictures (#18). Not much to say about that, but I like having a blog account for the things I do on my list. I eventually plan on doing a scrapbook for my list and I'm going to go month by month and I'm going to use my blog posts in the scrapbook. It looks great in my head...in a book? We'll see haha.

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