Saturday, January 23, 2010

Holy photos batman!

I have always been a photographer at heart. I generally always have a camera on me to capture life as it happens because it happens so fast. I haven’t always had a digital camera which means I have a lot of pictures floating around that do not have any kind of “backup.” Mostly because they’re in boxes here and there and maybe the prints are with the negatives, but most likely the negatives are nowhere to be found. I don’t want to lose those memories, but I’ve never gotten around to actually doing anything about it.

Well Steve went out of town, I figured out how to work my scanner, and how to crop the photos and make them look right so I started taking my pictures and making them digital (#21 – digitalize old photos). I found a TON from high school and a couple from middle school but apparently I didn’t get the photography but until my Sophomore year (either that or that was when I got my camera) so my pictures from before 1998 are few and far between.

this is mostly high school photos. There are more...somewhere and I think a lot of them are in a scrapbook or two or three...

I had an absolute blast going through those pictures and I even put some (ok, a lot) on Facebook. It is pretty wonderful to see how we have all grown out of that awkward stage, but it is pretty funny to look back on us 10+ years ago and know we looked ridiculous even though we thought we looked amazing. Steve and I got a new external hard drive (because the other one is full) so not only was I able to scan in my old photos but I was able to back them up (#18 – back up photos) on our new hard drive (plus the ones on my computer that didn’t make it to the other drive!).

When I set out to do this list I had every intention of scanning every single photo that I didn’t have a digital copy of. After actually going through the pictures and scanning them and cropping them I decided that is an incredibly long process and rather hard on my back plus some of those photos are just really bad. Not necessarily bad content, just bad photo quality – out of focus, or heads cropped off (thank you 35mm camera!) or something along those lines. Those photos won’t be scanned because that would be pointless. Some of them are glued into a scrapbook and I don’t feel like messing with that. I think I might scan the whole pages, but each picture individually is probably a no go because that requires a lot of work and I’d probably screw up a lot of my scrapbook pages and maybe even some pictures in the process.

Long story short, I don’t intend to scan I have ever taken, but I will be scanning most of them and definitely the really good ones I would be devastated to lose. This is going to be a long process but I’ll probably end up finishing up with high school – digital camera soon and then I want to move on to pictures from when I was a kid. My next quest is to get pictures from my parents house so I can scan those too…but that probably won’t happen until we’re in our house.

1 comment:

  1. I wont be able to stable my upset or I am trying the best at there level. So lets see the result... You are going well.
    cheap r4 dsi
