Monday, May 2, 2011

Photo 365: Day 114-120

Hello all! I hope you've had a fantastic week. I definitely have! It's been Appleblossom Festival around here this week and it's a pretty crazy event around here. There is a carnival & a circus & various concerts & luncheons & parades throughout the week and into the weekend. We only went to the carnival Thursday night. We really only festival'd it up Thursday through Sunday. And that was seriously enough. I only went to the Weekend in the Park to the craft fair on Sunday for a part of the afternoon and then I planted my ass on the couch for the rest of the day for recovery.

My week in pictures.

Day 114

Packs. Raspberry Vanilla swirl. Amazing.

Day 115

It was such a nice week I took Buddy for a few walks.

Day 116

We took out the ugly shrub that would have turned into a big ugly tree the builders planted for us and replaced it with a hopefully going to be really pretty gardenia shrub. It smells so good.

Day 117

We went to the carnival Thursday night. We didn't really ride any rides. Actually, we didn't ride any rides. We played a game and ate some fair food and wandered around though. Deep fried oreo's. Amazing.

Day 118

We went to the street festival in the afternoon and caught some of the parade too. We stopped by the fire house & hung out with some family friends for a while. They even gave us a tour of the fire house which was really cool because I'd never seen the inside of one.

Day 119

We saw Chuck Wicks at the Country Music Party on Saturday night. We were right in front of him all night. It was amazing. And he puts on a great show.

Day 120

Sunday they had a craft fair and this was one a really cool booth. You could actually buy that. He had all kinds of Margaritaville crafts that looked really awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I was just complaining that I wanted some frozen yogurt and then clicked on your blog. I'm pretty sure your first picture is a sign that I actually should get some! :)
