Friday, July 8, 2011

It's baseball season!

Well it's been baseball season. But Steve's doing a local Legion team this year instead of his travel team. The nice thing about this team is that they're all local games but I actually make it to less games because I just can't spend every night of the week at the ball field like I could if we were at a tournament for the weekend.

I did make a point to go to the Legion home opener because they did a ceremony and the whole shebang. They even had the Post's only WWII Vet come to the ceremony.

Mine's the short one ;)

They ended up losing this one, but they played a pretty decent game. I didn't stay for the whole thing because they played until 10 and that meant I'd be home by 11:30 or so after picking up Buddy from my parents which wouldn't work for me when 5am rolled around. That and it was hot as crap outside even after the sun went down hahaha.

As much as baseball takes up a lot of Steve's time it is always a joy to watch him out there on the field doing what he loves most. And to see how the kids respond to him is even better.

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